Media Reviews

1.: Articles in english

openDemocracy: Every refugee boat a rebellion? Supporting border transgressions at sea
Papierlose Zeitung: «Hery up please ???»: The records of a sea rescue
kpfa: Migration Struggles in the Mediterranean
Al Jazeera: Refugee deaths intensify call for safe EU passages
Guardian: Dozens feared dead as migrant boat capsizes in Mediterranean
Guardian: EU asks tech firms to pitch refugee-tracking systems
Movements Journal: "A Disobedient Border-Intervention"
AFP: Volunteer hotline saves desperate migrants from the Med
AFP: "Volunteer hotline saves desperate migrants from the Med"
Malta Today: "NGOs demand humanitarian corridor, lay blame at the feet of Fortress Europe"

2.: Articles in german

analyse&kritik: Der tödliche Graben um die Festung Europa
Taz: "Schrecklicheres verhindert"
MDR: Mit dem Telefon Leben retten
Amnesty Journal Dezember 2015: Dranbleiben
SRF: "Migration 3.0"
BR: "Diese Hotline hilft Flüchtlingen in Seenot"
TAZ: "Menschlichkeit als Kompass"
Main TV: "Alarm Phone in Hanau hilft Flüchtlingen in Booten"
TAZ: "Die Grenzen wegdenken"
TAZ: "Luft raus, Motor weg"
Medico International: "Frontex steht mit dem Rücken zur Wand"
ProAsyl: "Die Zahl der Notrufe nimmt rapide zu"
ARD: "Man kann von Mord reden"
Basler Zeitung: «Es ist eine Schweinerei, dass es uns braucht»
TAZ: "Druck für mehr Verantwortung"
TAZ: "Hotline Hilfe"

3.: Articles in french

Le Monde: Les enfants d’Ushahidi : un numéro pour les migrants en Méditerranée
NPA: "Un bateau vers le Parlement européen pour dénoncer Frontex !"
20Minutes: "Un bateau de migrants va accoster au Parlement européen"
L’Orient Le Jour: "Les humanitaires ne croient pas beaucoup en l’Union européenne"

4.: Articles in dutch

HVNL: "Bootvluchtelingen redden vanuit de huiskamer"
NOS: "Ze bellen ons vanaf hun vluchtboot"

5.: Articles in greek

Η ΑΥΓΗ: "το παρατηρητήριο που σώζει ζωές στη Μεσόγειο"

6.: Articles in italian

Repubblica: "Migranti, un numero d'emergenza per i barconi in difficoltà"

7.: Articles in spanish

Zoomin.TV España: "Watch the Med, el teléfono salvavidas para refugiados"
NTN24: "Iniciativa ciudadana en Francia busca “demostrar que sí se puede” hacer algo frente a tragedias como la de migrantes en el Mediterráneo"

Alarmphone on X

🆘~38 people in distress in the Central Med!
This morning a group called us in urgent distress, drifting north of #Benghazi with a broken engine. We alerted authorities, but the so-called Libyan coastguard said they were unable to find the boat. We are worried about their fate!

"Malta’s misuse of the criminal justice system to deter people from attempting to seek safety in Europe is unacceptable. This case represents everything that is wrong with EU institutions & members states’ migration policies in the central Mediterranean."

🆘~45 people in need of assistance in the #CentralMed!

Tonight we were called by ~45 people onboard a blue wooden boat fleeing from #Libya. Authorities are informed. The weather is rapidly deteriorating and the people fear for their life. We hope they will survive the night!

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