openDemocracy: Every refugee boat a rebellion? Supporting border transgressions at sea

“The network WatchTheMed Alarm Phone responds to violent ‘border protection’ practices and the unabated mass dying in maritime spaces around Europe, and offers travellers alternative ways to make their distress heard, in real-time.”

External Link: openDemocracy: Every refugee boat a rebellion? Supporting border transgressions at sea

Alarmphone on X

🆘 Où sont-elles? 15 personnes disparues en #Méditerranéeoccidentale. Elles sont partie #d'Algérie le 30/11. Depuis pas de contact avec le bateau. @salvamentogob est alerté et nous espérons qu'elles seront bientôt trouvées. #Lesproches s'inquiètent. #NeLesPasLaissezSeNoyer

🆘 Where are they? 15 people missing in the #WesternMed. They left #Algeria on 30 November. Since then, there's no contact to the boat. @Salvamentogob is alerted. We hope they will soon be found. Their relatives are very worried! #DontLetThemDrown!

🆘Dónde están? 17 personas desaparecidas en el #MediterraneoOccidental. Salieron de #Argelia el 28/11, y no ha habido contacto desde entonces. @salvamentogob ha sido informado y esperamos que se les encuentre pronto. Sus seres queridos están preocupados. #NoDejenQueSeAhoguen!

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