Safety at Sea

This information is for people who are considering to cross the sea in one of the following four areas:

Our intention is neither to deter people from attempting to cross, nor to encourage them, but rather to provide objective information and to share experiences about risks, rights, and vital safety measures to take at sea. Please always keep in mind that this information might save your life, but it will not make your journey less dangerous!

Video Clips – Safety at Sea – from Autumn 2021

1. Crossing the Sea – General Recommendations

1.1 Central Mediterranean Region

This video is also available in French and Arabic.

In this video clip we share short and summarising information for sea crossings from Libya/Tunisia to Europe: the need for life vests, enough fuel and drinking water, and a satellite phone, and the need to check the weather report. 

1.2 Aegean Region

This video is also available in: French, Arabic, Turkish and Farsi.

In this video we share information on what precautions to take when crossing from Turkey to Greece – either via the Aegaen Sea or the land border at Evros / Meriç river – and what you can do to prevent an illegal pushback to Turkey. Keep in mind: Check the weather at (and see our video below for more information on how to use Windy) before departure. Always wear a life jacket. Bring enough fuel, food, water and warm clothes. Learn how to send an GPS-position from your phone via WhatsApp. In case of emergency, call 112 and the Alarm Phone. Be prepared to send a list with names, birth dates and nationalities to Alarm Phone.

2. How to use the Satellite Phone called Thuraya

This video is also available in French and Arabic.

As mobile phones do not work at high sea in the Central Mediterranean area, a satellite phone – in this case usually from the company Thuraya – is absolutely necessary to be able to alert to a distress situation. In this video clip we explain the use of this life saving instrument for sea crossings and how to find and send a GPS-position.

3. How to use Windy to forecast weather

This video is also available in French and Arabic.

The weather conditions are crucial to survive sea crossings. In this clip we explain the Windy platform, which is a very useful tool to check before starting with a boat. 

4. know your rights: accusations of “facilitating illegal immigration”

This video is also available in Arabic, Farsi, French, Somali and Wolof

This video from Captain Support informs about European practices to criminalize people for driving boats to Europe and about the rights of the accused and the other passengers. ❗️If you or a friend or a family member has been arrested on the charges of “facilitating illegal immigration”, contact the Captain Support network via Facebook and Instagram to ask for adequate legal assistance and support. (We are able to provide support in Greece and Italy, we are preparing support in Spain & the UK)

Captain Support Facebook Page:
Captain Support Instagram Page:

🔴 Please note, you only have a right to a lawyer during questioning if you have been formally accused.

People on the move are systematically criminalized for driving the boats to Europe or for being part of the crew. The captains / boat drivers or those who assisted them, are usually accused of “smuggling” or “facilitating illegal immigration”. These arrests are the consequence of a deadly and racist European border policy. Captains / Boat drivers are used as scapegoats for violence and deaths at the border: however, European states and their border policies are responsible for this violence.


The Alarm Phone fights for freedom of movement, for the right to escape and for safe passages so that people can migrate without risking their lives!

You are welcome to spread this information to people who might need it.

Please also find more information at Watch The Med and Welcome to Europe.


  • Safeyt at Sea Western Med (English)

    This information is for people considering to cross the sea between Morocco and Spain.

  • Safety at Sea Western Mediterranean (French)

    This information is for people considering to cross the sea between Morocco and Spain

  • Safety at Sea Western Mediterranean (Arabic)

    This information is for people considering to cross the sea between Morocco and Spain.

  • Safety at Sea Central Mediterranean (English)

    These informations are for people who are considering to cross the sea in the Central Mediterranean between Libya, Tunisia and Italy

  • Safety-at-Sea-CM-french-2018

    These informations are for people who are considering to cross the sea in the Central Mediterranean between Libya, Tunisia and Italy (January 2018)

  • safety_at_sea_CM-arabic

    This information is for people considering to cross the sea between Libya, Tunisia and Italy

  • Safety at Sea: Aegean Sea - English

    This information is for people considering to cross the sea between Turkey and Greece.

  • Safety at Sea: Aegean Sea (Farsi)

    This information is for people considering to cross the sea between Turkey and Greece.

  • Safety at Sea: Aegean Sea - Swahili

    This information is for people considering to cross the sea between Turkey and Greece.

  • Visitor Card (English)

  • pdf

    Visitor Card (French)

  • Visitor Card (Turkish)

  • pdf

    Visitor Card (Tigrinya)

  • Visitor Card (Arabic)

  • Visitor Card (Farsi)

  • Visitor Card (Kurmanci)

  • Visitor Card (Somali)

  • Visitor Card (Pashtu)

    Press download for the printable version. For the web version just click on the picture.


Alarmphone on X

🆘 ~85 people in distress south of #Lampedusa!

We alerted authorities to a group escaping #Libya. They told us that their engine stopped & they're out of fuel. We lost contact after our call at 4:10h CET. Authorities fail to share info regarding a possible rescue operation.

🆘 ~85 persone in fuga dalla #Libia sono in pericolo di vita a meno di 50 miglia da #Lampedusa 🛟

@alarm_phone segnala barca alla deriva col motore in avaria e senza carburante. Le Autorità maltesi e italiane sono state informate, ma non confermano un’operazione di soccorso.

🆘 ~85 people in distress south of #Lampedusa!

We alerted authorities to a group escaping #Libya. They told us that their engine stopped & they're out of fuel. We lost contact after our call at 4:10h CET. Authorities fail to share info regarding a possible rescue operation.

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