
Denial of rescue: 85 people left to die in March 2024
Chains of Solidarity at Sea!
Interrupted Sea
2023: A long Summer of Migration in the Central Mediterranean Sea
'they ignored us initially': What happened in the Channel on 14 December, 2022?
"These regularisation campaigns are a trap" - How people on the move are prevented from obtaining legal status in the Western Mediterranean region
One year after the Melilla massacre of 24 June 2022: CommemorActions in Melilla and Tanger
Continuous landings, increasing violence and deaths at sea
"If we stay here we are going to die"
Contesting Borders in a Racist Environment
“I will never forgive this world!”
“Can you imagine how all of this violence affected my daughters?”
The criminalisation of people on the move
Rising arrivals, continuous struggles
Border Business - How the EU's militarisation fuels smuggling networks between North Africa and Spain
Migrant resistance against yet another new level of brutality
No human is illegal - criminalisation in North Africa and Spain
Interceptions and Death at Sea: Europe’s Answer to Migrant Struggles for Freedom
«Tangier is open»? - Political calculations along the routes to Spain
Between Moving and Mourning - the struggle along the routes to Spain continues
“We asked for help, but they only shouted: Go back, go back!”
Shocking number of deaths, but also growing struggles on the ground
A Struggle for Every Single Boat
Pushbacks Continue Despite Rising Pressure on Authorities
Ongoing Violent Pushbacks both at Sea and on Land
Ever-changing Travel Routes in the Western Med - the Move to the South and the East
Περιφερειακή ανάλυση για το Αιγαίο
Aegean Regional Analysis
Also in the Central Mediterranean Sea: Black Lives Matter!
Western Mediterranean Regional Analysis
Struggles of women* on the move
Western Mediterranean Regional Analysis
Aegean Regional Analysis
"No one can stop the rain", but Europe tries hard
Central Mediterranean Regional Analysis
Alarm Phone in Contact with 3,184 People in 95 Distress Situations
The Alarm Phone in the Central Mediterranean
Particularly Memorable Alarm Phone Cases
Alarm Phone Alerted to 99 Distress Situations, Involving over 3,580 Individuals
The hidden ‘battlefield’ - struggles for freedom of movement in Morocco
Central Mediterranean Regional Analysis
Alarm Phone in Contact with 2,450 People in 62 Distress Situations
Western Mediterranean Regional Analysis
Alarm Phone in contact with 2,000 People on 54 Boats
Central Mediterranean Regional Analysis
Aegean Regional Analysis
Borders of violence: “When I resisted to enter the small dark room, they started beating me...”
The Mediterranean Border: Mass Abductions, Push-Backs, People Left-to-Die
The European Refoulement Industry at Sea
I don’t Need to Be on the News, I Need to Be Rescued
And Yet We Move - 2018, a contested year
Torture or Death - The Options Europe offers to Freedom-Seekers
The Alarm Phone is 4 Years Old
United against Racism: For Safe Havens and Cities of Solidarity
"They took us, they even deported us. Inshallah next time…"
From the Sea to the City!
Over 2000 Alarm Phone Cases - No Reason for Celebration
Mediterranean Coalitions of Struggle
The Struggle of Women across the Sea
Entering 2018, Mediterranean Migration Struggles Continue
The long summer of European border violence
Amid Criminalization, Delayed Rescue, and Mass Dying, the Struggle for Freedom of Movement continues
Two Month Report: 'They want the Sea to Kill – We want a Bridge to Life!'
Six Week Report: Violence against migrants and NGOs escalates – Record numbers of crossings and deaths in the Central Med
Monthly Reports: International solidarity against mass drowning, detention and further border militarisation
Weekly Reports: Interceptions, Push-Backs, and Drownings: Another Summer in the Mediterranean Sea
Weekly Reports: Where is Europe’s Outrage? Continued Border Transgressions and Struggles in times of Mass Drownings, Push-Backs, and Europe’s Silence
Weekly Reports: Changing Escape Routes: Alarm Phone experiences in the Mediterranean Sea
Weekly Reports: Persistent attempts to reach Europe on ever more dangerous routes
Weekly Reports: The New Aegean Deportation Regime: Mass incarcerations in hotspots and forced expulsions of Migrants and Refugees
Weekly Report: The week that Europe agrees on inhumane deal with Turkey, many die at sea
Weekly Reports: Bad weather, violence and ongoing movements in the Aegean
Weekly Reports: Even prior to the EU-Turkey deal, thousands of people are locked into Turkey and Greece
Weekly Reports: Calls from the Greek-Macedonian border for international solidarity
Weekly reports: Militarization will make the Mediterranean border zone even more deadly!
Weekly Reports: Commemorating past border atrocities and struggling against future ones: Transnational solidarity actions on the day of more deaths at sea
Weekly reports: January 2016 - One of the deadliest months ever in the Aegean Sea
Weekly Reports: Alarm Phone experienced both quiet and extremely busy shifts
Weekly Reports: New Year begins with more than 60 Deaths in the Aegean Sea and in Ceuta/Spain
Weekly Reports: The end of the year approaches – Migration toward Europe continues in high numbers
Weekly Reports: Many deaths in the Aegean Sea and hundreds stuck on Greek Military Island
Weekly reports: Unabated Migration Movements in all three regions of the Mediterranean Sea
Weekly reports: Deadly denial of assistance in the Western Med; borders of Greece increasingly sealed off
Weekly reports: 39 Emergency Situations in Europe’s maritime borderzones
Weekly reports: Stranded in the Aegean – The Alarm Phone received various distress calls from those who reached Greek Islands and needed immediate support
Most deadly week of 2015 in the Aegean Sea, Alarm Phone alerted to 100 distress cases
Weekly reports: The route has become even more dangerous
Weekly Reports: Alarm Phone witnessed armed attacks on 6 boats in the Aegean Sea
Weekly Report: What we are currently witnessing is not a ‘migration’ crisis but a European crisis
Weekly Report: Attacks occurred in the Aegean Sea by masked men, presumably units of the Greek coastguard