Contact Us

If you know about an emergency case of people in distress in the Mediterranean sea, please call our emergency number 0033486517161


General inquiries



Media Requests

Please do not contact the emergency Alarm Phone number to ask for a press contact. The number should only be dialed in case of an emergency.


For any media request, you can contact us at:



For media requests regarding Spain and Morocco, please contact us at:





Alarmphone on X

🆘 ~130 people at risk off #Tunisia!

We were alerted to a large wooden boat near #Sfax that has reportedly capsized. While the situation is evolving, it seems some people were found by the Tunisian coastguard, while many others are said to have drowned.

🆘dans l'Atlantique ! Nous avons été informé.e.s d'un bateau en détresse avec 84 personnes parti le 06/12 de #Nouadhibou en #Mauritanie. Nous avons informé les autorités et nous demandons d'urgence des secours !

🆘in the Atlantic! We were informed to a boat in distress with 84 people that left on 06/12 from #Nouadhibou in #Mauritania. We informed authorities and we urgently ask for rescue!

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