
Photo: Alarm Phone Hamburg

Our Alarm Phone requires donations! Small or large amounts, cash-based, via your bank, or with credit card through PayPal – they are usually tax deductible. We need the funding to maintain and expand our project:

• To cover the costs of the self-organised call system
• To charge satellite phones with credit
• For information and campaign materials
• For research trips
• For network meetings

→ standing order
With 5€, 20€ or 50€, you can support our continuous work with important regular donations. Arrange a standing order to a bank account listed below.

→ single donation
Whether privately, as a group or through solidarity projects, single donations to a bank account below will help us a lot.


Accounts for Donations:


Account holder: Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht & Migration

IBAN: DE68 10050000 0610024264
Donation Reference: Watchthemed Alarm Phone

For donation receipts, please contact us at:



Account Holder: Verein Watch The Med Alarmphone Schweiz, 8000 Zurich

Donations in EUR:
CH75 0900 0000 1571 0940 5
Financial institution: PostFinance AG, 3030 Bern

Donations in CHF:
IBAN: CH21 0900 0000 6117 2503 0
Financial institution: PostFinance AG, 3030 Bern

Donation notifications are sent on a quarterly basis. Tax receipts for donations from Switzerland are sent annually in January. For further information and questions:

You can also use this PayPal button or PayPal QR-code for donations to the Watch The Med Alarmphone Switzerland account. Simply click on the button or scan the code, enter the desired amount and send it.

Paypal QR-Code


Alarmphone on X

🆘 Où sont-elles? 15 personnes disparues en #Méditerranéeoccidentale. Elles sont partie #d'Algérie le 30/11. Depuis pas de contact avec le bateau. @salvamentogob est alerté et nous espérons qu'elles seront bientôt trouvées. #Lesproches s'inquiètent. #NeLesPasLaissezSeNoyer

🆘 Where are they? 15 people missing in the #WesternMed. They left #Algeria on 30 November. Since then, there's no contact to the boat. @Salvamentogob is alerted. We hope they will soon be found. Their relatives are very worried! #DontLetThemDrown!

🆘Dónde están? 17 personas desaparecidas en el #MediterraneoOccidental. Salieron de #Argelia el 28/11, y no ha habido contacto desde entonces. @salvamentogob ha sido informado y esperamos que se les encuentre pronto. Sus seres queridos están preocupados. #NoDejenQueSeAhoguen!

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