
Mare interrotto
500 persone catturate in mare! Malta ha coordinato per procura un respingimento collettivo criminale verso le prigioni libiche!
La Tunisia non è né un paese di origine sicuro né un luogo sicuro di sbarco per le persone soccorse in mare
Ritardo fatale: 30 persone hanno perso la vita a causa della mancata assistenza europea
Dopo il naufragio di Crotone
Contestare le Frontiere in un Contesto Razzista
Malta: violato il principio di non respingimento
8 Anni di Lotta!
Lampedusa isola di pace
Lettera alle autorità
Analisi Regionale del Mediterraneo Centrale
Alarm Phone nel Mediterraneo Centrale
Alarm Phone compie 5 anni
Call To Action
Amid Criminalization, Delayed Rescue, and Mass Dying, the Struggle for Freedom of Movement continues
Weekly Reports: Where is Europe’s Outrage? Continued Border Transgressions and Struggles in times of Mass Drownings, Push-Backs, and Europe’s Silence
WatchTheMed Alarm Phone denounces illegal push-back operation with Frontex present!
Weekly Reports: Changing Escape Routes: Alarm Phone experiences in the Mediterranean Sea
Statement in light of the current situation in the Mediterranean Sea and yesterday’s events
Statement: Boat with 500 Syrian and Iraqi refugees sank about 70km North East of Zuwara, Libya
Support for a co-ordinated Humanitarian Search and Rescue operation is denied. Does the Turkish Coast Guard hold responsibility for the deaths of two persons at sea?
Weekly Reports: Persistent attempts to reach Europe on ever more dangerous routes
Weekly Reports: The New Aegean Deportation Regime: Mass incarcerations in hotspots and forced expulsions of Migrants and Refugees
Weekly Report: The week that Europe agrees on inhumane deal with Turkey, many die at sea
Weekly Reports: Bad weather, violence and ongoing movements in the Aegean
Weekly Reports: Even prior to the EU-Turkey deal, thousands of people are locked into Turkey and Greece
Weekly Reports: Calls from the Greek-Macedonian border for international solidarity
Weekly reports: Militarization will make the Mediterranean border zone even more deadly!
Lettera Aperta: Basta sensazionalismo. L’appello di Alarm Phone a media e volontari
Newspaper: Ferries for All
Weekly Reports: Commemorating past border atrocities and struggling against future ones: Transnational solidarity actions on the day of more deaths at sea
Weekly reports: January 2016 - One of the deadliest months ever in the Aegean Sea
Callout for transnational actions on the 6th February 2016
Weekly Reports: Alarm Phone experienced both quiet and extremely busy shifts
Rapporti settimanali: il nuovo anno inizia con più di 60 morti nel Mar Egeo e in Ceuta / Spagna
Weekly Reports: The end of the year approaches – Migration toward Europe continues in high numbers
Weekly Reports: Many deaths in the Aegean Sea and hundreds stuck on Greek Military Island
Violazione dei diritti umani sull’isola di Farmakonisi
New deaths in the Southern Border: A boat sinks towards the Canary Islands
Weekly reports: Unabated Migration Movements in all three regions of the Mediterranean Sea
Weekly reports: Deadly denial of assistance in the Western Med; borders of Greece increasingly sealed off
Weekly reports: 39 Emergency Situations in Europe’s maritime borderzones
Weekly report: Stranded in the Aegean – The Alarm Phone received various distress calls from those who reached Greek Islands and needed immediate support
La settimana più mortale del 2015 nel mare Egeo, l'Alarm Phone è stato allertato di 100 casi d'imbarcazioni in pericolo.
Weekly reports: The route has become even more dangerous
Weekly Reports: Alarm Phone witnessed armed attacks on 6 boats in the Aegean Sea
Comunicato dopo 1 anno di funzionamento
Weekly Report: What we are currently witnessing is not a ‘migration’ crisis but a European crisis
Weekly Report: Attacks occurred in the Aegean Sea by masked men, presumably units of the Greek coastguard
Distress at sea and endangered lives due to coastguard actions?
Push Back Frontex!
Watch The Med Alarm Phone against Left-to-die cases at Sea

Alarmphone on X

🆘~38 people in distress in the Central Med!
This morning a group called us in urgent distress, drifting north of #Benghazi with a broken engine. We alerted authorities, but the so-called Libyan coastguard said they were unable to find the boat. We are worried about their fate!

"Malta’s misuse of the criminal justice system to deter people from attempting to seek safety in Europe is unacceptable. This case represents everything that is wrong with EU institutions & members states’ migration policies in the central Mediterranean."

🆘~45 people in need of assistance in the #CentralMed!

Tonight we were called by ~45 people onboard a blue wooden boat fleeing from #Libya. Authorities are informed. The weather is rapidly deteriorating and the people fear for their life. We hope they will survive the night!

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