
Travesías de Senegal a Canarias: una sociedad sumida en la desesperación económica, la represión política y la injerencia europea
Túnez no es un país de origen seguro ni tampoco un lugar seguro para las personas rescatadas en el mar
Demoras mortales: 30 vidas perdidas por la omisión de asistencia europea
Malta ordena al buque mercante SHIMANAMI QUEEN que lleve a 23 personas a Egipto en lugar de a puertos más cercanos de Europa
8 años de lucha!
Feminismos de Frontera
Carta abierta a las autoridades
Comunicado 26 de junio de 2016: Tres muertes en el Estrecho de Gibraltar causadas por la llegada de la Marine Royal (Marina naval marroquí).
Comunicado ante la situación actual en el mar mediterráneo y los sucesos de ayer
Support for a co-ordinated Humanitarian Search and Rescue operation is denied. Does the Turkish Coast Guard hold responsibility for the deaths of two persons at sea?
Open Letter: Against sensationalist and undignified practices by volunteers and journalists
Newspaper: Ferries for All
Violaciones de los Derechos Humanos en la isla de Farmakonisi
Frontex ralentiza los procedimientos de registro en el 'Hot Spot' Moria, dejando durante días a lxs refugiadxs en condiciones peligrosas para sus propias vidas
Distress at sea and endangered lives due to coastguard actions?
¡Pushback Frontex!

Alarmphone on X

Last week, CNN reported on the many shipwrecks in the central Mediterranean Sea, quoting Alarm Phone: "While people in Europe and elsewhere enjoy the holiday season and end-of-year festivities, Europe’s borders continue to kill."

🆘 ~35 people in need of assistance on #Pasas, #Greece!

Relatives alerted us to this group of people who are stuck on the island. We could not reach them ourselves but informed @HCoastGuard & @HellenicPolice that they are in need of medical assistance!

🆘️ ~31 people in need of assistance on #Pasas, #Greece!
According to the relatives, the group reported that the police were with them at the location. Since then we cannot reach the people. We called authorities on #Oinousses & #Chios several times - no one picked up our calls.

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