
Travesías de Senegal a Canarias: una sociedad sumida en la desesperación económica, la represión política y la injerencia europea
Túnez no es un país de origen seguro ni tampoco un lugar seguro para las personas rescatadas en el mar
Demoras mortales: 30 vidas perdidas por la omisión de asistencia europea
Malta ordena al buque mercante SHIMANAMI QUEEN que lleve a 23 personas a Egipto en lugar de a puertos más cercanos de Europa
8 años de lucha!
Feminismos de Frontera
Carta abierta a las autoridades
Comunicado 26 de junio de 2016: Tres muertes en el Estrecho de Gibraltar causadas por la llegada de la Marine Royal (Marina naval marroquí).
Comunicado ante la situación actual en el mar mediterráneo y los sucesos de ayer
Support for a co-ordinated Humanitarian Search and Rescue operation is denied. Does the Turkish Coast Guard hold responsibility for the deaths of two persons at sea?
Open Letter: Against sensationalist and undignified practices by volunteers and journalists
Newspaper: Ferries for All
Violaciones de los Derechos Humanos en la isla de Farmakonisi
Frontex ralentiza los procedimientos de registro en el 'Hot Spot' Moria, dejando durante días a lxs refugiadxs en condiciones peligrosas para sus propias vidas
Distress at sea and endangered lives due to coastguard actions?
¡Pushback Frontex!

Alarmphone on X

🆘~38 people in distress in the Central Med!
This morning a group called us in urgent distress, drifting north of #Benghazi with a broken engine. We alerted authorities, but the so-called Libyan coastguard said they were unable to find the boat. We are worried about their fate!

"Malta’s misuse of the criminal justice system to deter people from attempting to seek safety in Europe is unacceptable. This case represents everything that is wrong with EU institutions & members states’ migration policies in the central Mediterranean."

🆘~45 people in need of assistance in the #CentralMed!

Tonight we were called by ~45 people onboard a blue wooden boat fleeing from #Libya. Authorities are informed. The weather is rapidly deteriorating and the people fear for their life. We hope they will survive the night!

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