Durante la intercepción de las personas migrantes la embarcación se volcó. Lxs sobrevivientes son testigos de que la Marine Royal no rescató a todxs lxs pasajerxs. La Marine Royal dejó atrás los 3 cuerpos de lxs muertxs.
Following accounts given by the survivors, why was a rescue operation not immediately started by the Turkish Coast Guard after it first arrived on scene at the GPS location?
We ask for that in order to respect the dignity of the victims/survivors but also to maintain dignity ourselves, so that we can create a community and society in which the privacy and dignity of all people are valued and respected.
Alarm Phone demanda la transferencia inmediata de todas las personas refugiadas varadas en la isla griega militar de Farmakonisi - Las personas atrapadas en la isla se encuentran en condiciones inhumanas
“Del mismo modo que nos enfrentamos a mucha desesperación y sufrimiento humano, también hemos sido inspiradas incontables veces por la voluntad de seguir luchando, superar el mar y moverse hacia los lugares deseados en Europa”
Alarm Phone Press Release, 5th of August 2015 Distress at sea and endangered lives due to coastguard actions? Evidence shows attacks on migrant boats in the Aegean Sea where engines were removed and boats punctured by coastguards
We alerted authorities to a group escaping #Libya. They told us that their engine stopped & they're out of fuel. We lost contact after our call at 4:10h CET. Authorities fail to share info regarding a possible rescue operation.
🆘 ~85 persone in fuga dalla #Libia sono in pericolo di vita a meno di 50 miglia da #Lampedusa 🛟
@alarm_phone segnala barca alla deriva col motore in avaria e senza carburante. Le Autorità maltesi e italiane sono state informate, ma non confermano un’operazione di soccorso.
We alerted authorities to a group escaping #Libya. They told us that their engine stopped & they're out of fuel. We lost contact after our call at 4:10h CET. Authorities fail to share info regarding a possible rescue operation.