Taz: "Schrecklicheres verhindert"

“Die Initiative Watch the Med Alarmphone erhielt am Samstagmorgen den Notruf eines Schlauchbootes mit 150 Menschen, das am Vorabend nördlich des libyschen Al-Chums in See gestochen war. „Wir haben sie über 24 Stunden am Telefon begleiten müssen, bevor endlich Rettung kam“, sagt Hagen Kopp vom Alarmphone. Die vom Alarmphone informierte Rettungsleitstelle in Rom wies den Tiertransporter Lady Rasha und den Frachter AS Elenia vergeblich an, die Flüchtlinge an Bord zu nehmen.

Nur der vom Alarmphone veranlasste Einsatz eines privaten Suchflugzeugs machte das Schlauchboot ausfindig….”

External Link: Taz: "Schrecklicheres verhindert"

Alarmphone on X

⁨🆘 from 5 people on #Rhodos, #Greece!

They report that they have been stuck on the island for 2 days, so far no help arrived. 1 person among them is in a severe medical emergency situation & needs medical assistance NOW!
@HellenicPolice & @HellenicCoastGuard are informed.⁩⁩

⚫ Shipwreck off #Libya

On 15 November, Alarm Phone was alerted to 30 people in severe distress when fleeing from Libya. We lost contact to the boat & had to learn later that they shipwrecked. According to the so-called Libyan coastguard, 17 people survived while 13 are missing.

⚫️ Another shipwreck off #Tunisia: A survivor told us they departed #Sfax on the evening of 8.11. with 51 other people in an 8-meter-long boat. After struggling with engine problems, the boat capsized on Friday noon due to harsh weather conditions. 1/3

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