Repubblica: "Migranti, un numero d'emergenza per i barconi in difficoltà"

„Un numero potrebbe salvare tanti migranti. La rete internazionale Borderline lancia un telefono d’allarme per arginare le tragedie nei viaggi della speranza:  „Watch The Med Alarm Phone“ si chiama il progetto. „Sappiamo bene quanto è pericoloso attraversare il Mediterraneo, con questo sistema in caso di emergenza i migranti potranno chiamarci. Noi gireremo le segnalazioni ai soccorritori e faremo pressione su di loro“, spiega l’attivista Judith Gleitze.“

External Link: Repubblica: "Migranti, un numero d'emergenza per i barconi in difficoltà"

Alarmphone on X

⁨🆘 from 5 people on #Rhodos, #Greece!

They report that they have been stuck on the island for 2 days, so far no help arrived. 1 person among them is in a severe medical emergency situation & needs medical assistance NOW!
@HellenicPolice & @HellenicCoastGuard are informed.⁩⁩

⚫ Shipwreck off #Libya

On 15 November, Alarm Phone was alerted to 30 people in severe distress when fleeing from Libya. We lost contact to the boat & had to learn later that they shipwrecked. According to the so-called Libyan coastguard, 17 people survived while 13 are missing.

⚫️ Another shipwreck off #Tunisia: A survivor told us they departed #Sfax on the evening of 8.11. with 51 other people in an 8-meter-long boat. After struggling with engine problems, the boat capsized on Friday noon due to harsh weather conditions. 1/3

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