ARD: "Man kann von Mord reden"

“Seit Oktober 2015 betreiben Freiwillige aus Europa, Tunesien und Marokko das Projekt “Watch the Med Alarm-Phone” – jeden Tag, rund um die Uhr ist die Hotline für Flüchtlinge in Seenot erreichbar. Die Helfer setzen sich bei einem Notruf mit den Küstenwachen in Verbindung. Doch diese würden nicht immer helfen, so Alarm-Phone-Aktivist Maurice Stierl. Es handele sich nicht nur um unterlassene Hilfeleistung. “Man kann sogar auch von Mord reden.”

External Link: ARD: "Man kann von Mord reden"

Alarmphone on X

🆘! ~67 people in distress in the Central Mediterranean!

Alarm phone alerted authorities about a group who left #Libya.
The boat is adrift, leaking and the engine stopped. The people fear for their lives. Immediate rescue is needed!

Publication! This analysis provides a chronology of the 2nd half of 2024, an account of the 482 boats we assisted in the central Med over this period & other relevant developments. In the whole of 2024, we assisted 803 distress cases in this region.

🆘 ~40 people in distress on their way to #Crete, #Greece!

We cannot reach the group & don't have a GPS-position of their boat. Their relatives told us that the condition on the boat is very bad. We informed @HCoastGuard & urge them to launch a search & rescue mission now!

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