Fourth Meeting of the Palermo Charter Platform Process in Bologna, 28-29 November 2019

Photo of the bologna meeting

In Bologna, a group of rescue NGOs, civil society organisations, activists, and representatives of European municipalities came together between 28-29 November 2019 to strengthen our work in the Mediterranean Sea and the transnational collaboration between solidarity cities in Europe. Our network emerged in Palermo in 2018 and in the spirit of the Charter of Palermo, with its central demand for the right to mobility. Our slogan continues to be: “From the Sea to the Cities!”

This was the fourth meeting of the Palermo Charter Platform Process. We fight the ongoing violence produced by the European border regime, seek to foster corridors of solidarity for migrants to reach their desired destinations, and take part in the building of welcoming cities of sanctuary all over Europe.

After Palermo, Naples and Barcelona, we gathered this time in Bologna, one of the cities where the rescue organisation and movement Mediterranea was born in 2018 and where thousands currently take to the street to fight against Salvini and his Lega Nord.

While we met, hundreds of people tried to escape from Libya by boat and many were intercepted by Libyan militias who are funded, equipped and trained by European member states and institutions. Precarious migration across the Mediterranean Sea continues, even during the winter months. Three migrant boats that reached out to the Alarm Phone were rescued by Sea-Eye and SOS Mediterranée, showing once more how crucial the work of the civil fleet is.

Mediterranea, Alarm Phone, Welcome to Europe, Sea-Watch, Open Arms, Iuventa10/Solidarity at Sea, Civilfleet, Seebrücke, borderline-europe, Inura, and the representatives of several European cities and municipalities

Alarmphone on X

🆘 Où sont-elles? 15 personnes disparues en #Méditerranéeoccidentale. Elles sont partie #d'Algérie le 30/11. Depuis pas de contact avec le bateau. @salvamentogob est alerté et nous espérons qu'elles seront bientôt trouvées. #Lesproches s'inquiètent. #NeLesPasLaissezSeNoyer

🆘 Where are they? 15 people missing in the #WesternMed. They left #Algeria on 30 November. Since then, there's no contact to the boat. @Salvamentogob is alerted. We hope they will soon be found. Their relatives are very worried! #DontLetThemDrown!

🆘Dónde están? 17 personas desaparecidas en el #MediterraneoOccidental. Salieron de #Argelia el 28/11, y no ha habido contacto desde entonces. @salvamentogob ha sido informado y esperamos que se les encuentre pronto. Sus seres queridos están preocupados. #NoDejenQueSeAhoguen!

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