
Ein Kampf für jedes einzelne Boot
„Niemand kann den Regen aufhalten“, aber Europa gibt sich grosse Mühe
Das Alarm Phone im zentralen Mittelmeer
Besonders unvergessliche Alarm-Phone-Fälle
Und Wir Bewegen Uns Doch - 2018, ein umkämpftes Jahr
Inmitten der Kriminalisierung, verspäteten Rettung und Massensterben geht der Kampf um Bewegungsfreiheit weiter
Weekly Reports: Where is Europe’s Outrage? Continued Border Transgressions and Struggles in times of Mass Drownings, Push-Backs, and Europe’s Silence
Weekly Reports: Changing Escape Routes: Alarm Phone experiences in the Mediterranean Sea
Weekly Reports: Persistent attempts to reach Europe on ever more dangerous routes
Weekly Reports: The New Aegean Deportation Regime: Mass incarcerations in hotspots and forced expulsions of Migrants and Refugees
Weekly Report: The week that Europe agrees on inhumane deal with Turkey, many die at sea
Weekly Reports: Bad weather, violence and ongoing movements in the Aegean
Weekly Reports: Even prior to the EU-Turkey deal, thousands of people are locked into Turkey and Greece
Weekly Reports: Calls from the Greek-Macedonian border for international solidarity
Weekly reports: Militarization will make the Mediterranean border zone even more deadly!
Weekly Reports: Commemorating past border atrocities and struggling against future ones: Transnational solidarity actions on the day of more deaths at sea
Weekly reports: January 2016 - One of the deadliest months ever in the Aegean Sea
Weekly Reports: Alarm Phone experienced both quiet and extremely busy shifts
Weekly Report: Das Neue Jahr beginnt mit mehr als insgesamt 60 Toten in der Ägäis und in Ceuta (Spanien)
Weekly Reports: The end of the year approaches – Migration toward Europe continues in high numbers
Weekly Reports: Many deaths in the Aegean Sea and hundreds stuck on Greek Military Island
Weekly reports: Unabated Migration Movements in all three regions of the Mediterranean Sea
Weekly report: Tödliche Hilfsverweigerung im westlichen Mittelmeer & zunehmend abgeschottete Grenzen in Griechenland
Weekly reports: 39 Emergency Situations in Europe’s maritime borderzones
Weekly reports: Gestrandet in der Ägäis – Das Alarm Phone erreichten zahlreiche Notrufe von Menschen die an schwer zugänglichen Küstenabschnitten angekommen waren
Weekly reports: Most deadly week of 2015 in the Aegean Sea, Alarm Phone alerted to 100 distress cases
Weekly Reports: Alarm Phone witnessed armed attacks on 6 boats in the Aegean Sea
Weekly Report: What we are currently witnessing is not a ‘migration’ crisis but a European crisis
Weekly Report: Attacks occurred in the Aegean Sea by masked men, presumably units of the Greek coastguard

Alarmphone on X

🆘~¡90 personas en peligro en el #Atlántico! Salieron de #Nouakchott en una embarcación de madera el 2 de enero. Desde entonces no hay noticias de ellas @salvamentogob está alertado desde ayer. Esperamos que las encuentren pronto y sean puestas a salvo de inmediato.

🆘~90 personnes en détresse dans l'#Atlantique! Parties de #Nouakchott sur un bateau en bois le 2 janvier, nous sommes sans nouvelles depuis. @salvamentogob est alerté depuis hier. Nous espérons qu'elles seront rapidement retrouvés et mises en sécurité.

🆘~90 people in distress in the #Atlantic! They left from #Nouakchott on a wooden boat on the 2nd of January. Since then, there are no news from them. @salvamentogob is alerted since yesterday. We hope they will soon be found and brought to safety.

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