Wie funktioniert das Alarmphone?

Das erste Video erklärt Flüchtenden und MigrantInnen unsere Möglichkeiten und Beschränkungen, sowie die wesentlichen Abläufe, um besser für den Seenotfall auf dem Weg über das Mittelmeer vorbereitet zu sein.

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Das zweite Video beschreibt die tägliche Arbeit, die technischen Methoden und die politischen Ziele des Projektes vor dem Hintergrund der andauernden Überfahrten zwischen der Türkei und Griechenland.

Alarmphone on X

Last week, CNN reported on the many shipwrecks in the central Mediterranean Sea, quoting Alarm Phone: "While people in Europe and elsewhere enjoy the holiday season and end-of-year festivities, Europe’s borders continue to kill."

🆘 ~35 people in need of assistance on #Pasas, #Greece!

Relatives alerted us to this group of people who are stuck on the island. We could not reach them ourselves but informed @HCoastGuard & @HellenicPolice that they are in need of medical assistance!

🆘️ ~31 people in need of assistance on #Pasas, #Greece!
According to the relatives, the group reported that the police were with them at the location. Since then we cannot reach the people. We called authorities on #Oinousses & #Chios several times - no one picked up our calls.

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